Peace Regional
Peace River, HWY 2, Alberta
Terms and conditions relating to the purchase of tickets
Payment methods:
You can purchase your tickets by Cash, Debit, VISA or Mastercard credit card. American Express is not accepted.
Beware of fraud:
Online tickets for the Peace Regional Air Show can only be purchased from the peaceregionalairshow.com website using Eventbrite platform or directly from Eventbrite website. Any other web address could be a fraudulent site. For our part, if an order is considered suspicious or fraudulent and we are unable to contact you, we reserve the right to cancel your order without notice.
Price and availability:
The price as well as the number of tickets available is subject to change without notice.
Confirmation of orders:
If you do not receive a confirmation email within minutes of your online purchase, it is your responsibility to ensure that your order has been registered. Check your junk mail first. If the confirmation is still not there, contact us at info@peaceregionalairshow.com
Service charge:
The sale of our tickets is subject to a service charge which will not be refundable under any circumstances.
Limit of the number of tickets per order:
When purchasing tickets on our website, you will find a limit of 20 tickets per order. This policy is intended to discourage fraudulent ticket purchasing practices. Please contact us to purchase a bundle of 20 tickets or more.
Refund, transfer and exchange:
All purchases are final and tickets cannot be refunded, exchanged or transferred. The identity of the performers and artists present at the event are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Thus, no refund can be granted following a modification in the program. Event dates and times are subject to change. In the event that the event is postponed, the ticket holder could decide to exchange their ticket for a comparable ticket eligible for the next show. If you wish to upgrade a General admission ticket for a Premium admission ticket or VIP ticket, please contact us so we can upgrade your ticket. In the event you can no longer attend the event, you may transfer your ticket(s) to another individual at your discretion. In summary, no refund, can be granted following the modification or postponement of the event.
The event will take place rain or shine, unless extreme and dangerous weather conditions arise. No refunds will be given due to weather.
We love Mother Nature - (however, she's been known to have a tantrum or two.) You should know that all performers have high, low and flat shows that can accommodate for different kinds of weather. Unfortunately, we cannot offer ticket refunds. Rest assured, though, that our Air Event is a rain-or-shine event. If the performers aren't pulling Gs and twisting through the air, they'll be onsite sharing stories of aerobatic awesomeness with you. Rain or Shine, it doesn't matter. IF . . . again IF . . . the weather prevents air show flying (don't forget performers have maneuvers packages that facilitate their demonstrations in flat, high and low shows). Please don’t rely on the weather forecast to help you make up your mind.
Cancellation of the Air Event should occur for any reason such as, but not limited to: Acts Of God (rained-out, floods, strong winds, weather systems, etc.), Terrorism Threats, Strike, etc., NO REFUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED
Terms and conditions relating to security and personal information
Although the safety of all is the priority of our team, the Peace Regional Airshow cannot be held responsible for any injuries occurring on the site.
Covid-19 Warning:
There is always a risk of exposure to Covid-19 at gatherings. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to serious health problems and death. You assume all risks and dangers arising from or in any way related to the risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other disease, bacteria, virus or other pathogenic agent capable of causing a contagious disease), whether before, during or after the event, regardless of cause or means of contamination, and hereby waive all claims and potential claims relating to such risks.
The Peace Regional Airshow Association team reserves the right to refuse admission or to expel any individual whose conduct could be deemed dangerous, threatening, disorderly or abusive, without reimbursement. Any individual present on the site of the event must respect the rules established by the organizer.
Recording, transmission and presentation:
The Peace Regional Air Show is a public event during which many media gather. By accepting the conditions, you grant the authorization to them as well as to the Peace Regional Airshow Association to broadcast images, audios and videos in which you could appear.
Probable security search:
By accepting these conditions, you agree that a search may be carried out at the entrance to the site and waive any claim that may arise.
We may make changes to these terms and conditions at any time, without notice. All changes will become effective upon posting of the updated version. The last updated date tells you when these Terms were last revised. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the event, contact us by email at info@peaceregionalairshow.com.